Worship is a focal point at Grace Lutheran Church. It is through worship that our service flows, our spiritual lives deepen, and our community grows.
Our worship follows an ancient order of Gathering, Word, Meal, and Sending, and is guided by a printed worship bulletin. It is liturgical, in that the gathered assembly is actively in worship (liturgy means “work of the people”). Every worship service is organized around the Scripture readings for the day, so the prayers, the music, and the sermon will all share the same theme. For those without liturgical experience, it is easy to follow and those around you will be happy to provide assistance. For the liturgy and the hymns, either the Evangelical Lutheran Worship (ELW) or the With One Voice (WOV) books are used. The pastor provides any additional directions if needed.
Holy Communion (the Meal) is celebrated every Sunday. Instituted by Christ before his crucifixion, this sacramental meal is open to all. Children are communed as their parents’ desires, often following a discussion with the child and the pastor.
Worship begins each Sunday at 11:00 am and is usually followed by a time of fellowship where the assembly is able to share their stories and get to know one another.