Sunday School and Confirmation

Children are not the future of the church. They are the church, just as we are the church. All of God’s people are the church. We have a history and a passion for including God’s children of all ages in all that we do as a community of faith.
The Developmental Cycle: Milestones

Typically, an infant receives the Sacrament of Holy Baptism during a worship service and is welcomed into our community. The child is also welcomed to participate in Holy Communion at that time, if desired by the parent(s).

Around the age of three, children are invited to participate in Sunday School, that meets on Sunday mornings for 45 minutes before worship. This program is primarily for children through sixth grade and any others who have interest.

The Holy Bible presentation occurs when children are in the third grade or later, if a bible is still needed.

The Rite of Confirmation is typically celebrated upon completion of a two-year Faith Formation program. This is neither a sacrament nor a requirement for adult membership in the congregation. Children may enroll in Confirmation upon entering seventh grade. Confirmation builds upon the children’s years from Sunday School and is designed primarily to engage the students in a life of faith. Lessons will be from the “Free to Be” curriculum. At least 16 worship notes are to be completed each year. These notes may come from any Christian worship service. If desired, the young people write a faith statement and complete a survey about their experiences, and may participate in the Rite of Confirmation at the end of their two years in Confirmation.

Participation in our faith community continues, as young people participate in worship, service, fellowship and discipleship activities with others. High School graduates receive a special blessing during worship on a Sunday in late May and are recognized during fellowship following worship.

