Holy CommunionHoly Communion is celebrated every Sunday.

Instituted by Christ before his crucifixion, this sacramental meal is open to all.


MusicGrace Lutheran Choir

One of the oldest ministries of the congregation and the largest choir in the area.


Youth Faith Education Sunday School and Confirmation

Children are not the future of the church. They are the church, just as we are the church. God’s people – all of God’s people – are the church. We have a history and a passion for including God’s children of all ages in all that we do as a community of faith.


Get Involved Our Faith Community

In addition to worship and education, there are opportunities for people to get involved in the life of our faith community and beyond.


Vicar Micah Sermons

Read the week's sermon or watch it on YouTube.


Grace Lutheran Church There is always room in God's family for you.

Many people think family only applies when we are related by blood. Here at Grace Lutheran Church of South Range, we are related by blood; the blood of Jesus, who lived and loved, suffered and died, and rose again so we would be reconciled to God. As beloved children of God, we are all related.


Web Worship

Grace currently provides two ways to worship: in-person worship and virtual (web) worship. Join us from anywhere using Facebook (you don't need an account). Sunday

Our Weekly Worship

Worship is a focal point at Grace Lutheran Church. It is through worship that our service flows, our spiritual lives deepen, and our community grows.

Sunday School and Confirmation

Children are not the future of the church. They are the church, just as we are the church. All of God’s people are the church.